US JGOFS Summary of resources required to complete the planned science program

Throughout this document, the authors of the various sections of this plan tried to describe and estimate the resources which would be necessary to realize, as fully as possible, the scientific objectives of the program outlined in the US JGOFS Science Plan. To make this realistic, it was necessary to try to be sure that there was not a mismatch between the realization of the objectives, and the resources which could be anticipated as being available. So, as the process went ahead of prioritizing the various sets of goals within each of the program elements, as much input as possible was obtained from federal program managers - to provide the needed reality check. This process will need to continue as the funding picture for the out years becomes more certain.

A time/element matrix has been assembled from the information in this plan, together with additional information external to this document, such as costs for the operation of the Planning and Implementation Office. Two points need to be noted in considering this matrix. Firstly, ship costs have not been factored in - for example, for the Arabian Sea Process Study, running at about 40-45% of research budgets at NSF. Second, the estimates included in this matrix include only these anticipated as coming from NSF. Substantial expenditures by other agencies have and, hopefully, will continue to come from other agencies supporting US JGOFS research. For example, ocean carbon through NOAA, measurements of the ocean CO2 system on WOCE lines through DOE, a variety of programs through ONR and satellite and airborne sensing studies through NASA. It will be instructive to try to develop additional matrices for each of these agency programs, so that they may be merged into a combined matrix which would provide the needed resource picture for US JGOFS in totality.

Resource Summary (in $K)


                  96      97      98      99      00        01       02

So. Ocean P.S.  4500    9700    8500    4000     500
Arabian S.P.S.  5121    1464
Global Survey   1500    1500    1500    1500

HOTS/BATS       1543    1728    1750    1760     1770     1790     1800
Moorings        1100     300      ?       ?        ?        ?        ?
Auto. Instr.     700     250      ?       ?        ?        ?        ?

Modeling and     760     760    2000    3500     4000     4500     5000

Data Management  250     260     270     280      290      300      400

Planning/Implemt.774    1005    1064    1128     1341     1360     1380
and Synthesis                                                       

Totals 16248 16967 15084 12168 7901 7950 8580