JGOFS Open Science Conference

May 5-8, 2003

Ken Buesseler (Photo by A. Mishonov)

Richard Feely receiving award for first U.S. JGOFS publication (Photo by H. Livingston)

Another view of Richard Feely and friends (Photo by H. Livingston)

Dave Karl receiving award for most U.S. JGOFS publications (Photo by H. Livingston)
Andreas Oschlies, Alexey Mishonov, Dennis Hansell and Tsung-Hung Peng (Photo by W. Gardner)

Wilf Gardner during the poster session (Photo by A. Mishonov)

Debbie Steinberg introducing Carol Browner (Photo by A. Mishonov)

Carol Browner at the Baird Auditorium at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (Photo by A. Mishonov)

What was going on at the State Department (Photo by A. Mishonov)

John Marra and friends (Photo by H. Livingston)
Alex Kozyr and Daniela Turk (Photo by A. Mishonov)
Bernard Avril, Debbie Steinberg, Mary Zawoysky, Wendi Buesseler and Ken Buesseler (Photo by H. Livingston)

Andreas Oschlies, Wilf Gardner, Dennis Hansell and Tsung-Hung Peng (Photo by A. Mishonov)

Ekaterina Popov and Alexander Bychkov (Photo by A. Mishonov)

John Field and Hugh Livingston (Photo by S. Livingston)